The winter of November-December is pleasant.The enjoyment of sitting in the warm blanket,wearing warm clothes and having hot tea are enjoyed only in winter, but for those people, it is not fun in the winter months of November-December, it becomes a punishment who Live on the side of the road and those who have no way to escape from the bitter cold. ‘Arpita Global Foundation’ understands the helplessness of the people living in this helpless situation and wants to do something to save these people from the severe cold.Our organization is sensitive towards these people, that is why every year in winter, donating warm clothes and blankets to helpless people and considers it our duty towards humanity.Our organization also requests such human welfare from those people who are financially capable.If such an affluent class sees any people suffering from cold around them, shoud be definitely help them to escape from this severe cold.
Our organization distributes blankets and warm clothes every year in winter to the people living on the roadside and among the needy people according to our capacity.